Best Payday Loan Companies – 1 Hour Cash Advances

In these tough economic times, many people find themselves short of cash and in need of an immediate loan. Payday loan companies often provide the ideal solution to emergency circumstances. These companies allow customers to take a loan out against their next expected paycheck. The loan has to be paid back with interest once the person is paid. The loans do not generally require a credit check, and often customers can receive cash in one hour or less. The interest demanded upon payment of the loan is often higher than with a traditional loan, so these loan services should only be used in case of emergency.The best payday loan company to use depends upon your needs and circumstances. You should never use a payday loan company as a permanent solution to your financial problems. If you find yourself requiring a payday loan on a regular basis, you should examine your budget to find a better solution, as interest payments will begin to eat up a substantial portion of each paycheck. If you do require cash in an emergency, however, you should try to find a place that promises a wait time of an hour or less. The last thing you need during a financial crisis is the stress of waiting for a long time to see if your loan will go through.Distance is also a factor when choosing a payday loan center to use for your emergency cash needs. Gas is expensive nowadays so you don’t want to be driving across town if it is not necessary to do so. Also, if your loan company is located too far away, you will find yourself reluctant to visit it when it is time to pay back the loan.Many payday advance companies are now doing business online. This method is not recommended because it is too easy for identity thieves or other scammers to create websites that mimic legitimate businesses. These people will steal your money or credit information instead of giving you the loan you have applied for. If you do choose to use an online payday advance company, make sure the website provides a phone number that you can contact to verify that the site is legitimate.Whether you use an online company or visit a physical address, the process for receiving a 1 hour cash advance is generally the same. Upon arrival, you will be asked to fill out a simple application form. The company usually will not run a credit report, although a few do; make sure to ask or check the FAQ online if this is a concern. Along with your application, you have to provide verification of income such as a check stub, and of course you will have to give the loan officer your driver’s license to verify your identity. Once the application and supporting documents have been received, you will be given your money. Online companies usually deposit the money directly into your bank account, while physical locations often give you cash.On your application, you will usually be asked to indicate when you are receiving your next paycheck. Your loan payment will be due on this date. You are required to pay the loan in full, including interest. It is important to pay these loans back on time. Many payday advance companies take a post-dated check for the amount of the loan, and if you do not have funds in the account to cover that check you can be arrested for writing bad checks. Even if companies do not take this step, they can sue you for the amount of the loan. Finally, interest continues to accumulate until the loan is paid back, so you could find yourself owing a far greater total than expected should you make a late payment.Payday loans can result in high interest charges, but in difficult economic times people often find themselves without other recourse. It is important to use payday loans appropriately and to pay them back in a timely manner to avoid extra fees.

Alternative Financing Vs. Venture Capital: Which Option Is Best for Boosting Working Capital?

There are several potential financing options available to cash-strapped businesses that need a healthy dose of working capital. A bank loan or line of credit is often the first option that owners think of – and for businesses that qualify, this may be the best option.

In today’s uncertain business, economic and regulatory environment, qualifying for a bank loan can be difficult – especially for start-up companies and those that have experienced any type of financial difficulty. Sometimes, owners of businesses that don’t qualify for a bank loan decide that seeking venture capital or bringing on equity investors are other viable options.

But are they really? While there are some potential benefits to bringing venture capital and so-called “angel” investors into your business, there are drawbacks as well. Unfortunately, owners sometimes don’t think about these drawbacks until the ink has dried on a contract with a venture capitalist or angel investor – and it’s too late to back out of the deal.

Different Types of Financing

One problem with bringing in equity investors to help provide a working capital boost is that working capital and equity are really two different types of financing.

Working capital – or the money that is used to pay business expenses incurred during the time lag until cash from sales (or accounts receivable) is collected – is short-term in nature, so it should be financed via a short-term financing tool. Equity, however, should generally be used to finance rapid growth, business expansion, acquisitions or the purchase of long-term assets, which are defined as assets that are repaid over more than one 12-month business cycle.

But the biggest drawback to bringing equity investors into your business is a potential loss of control. When you sell equity (or shares) in your business to venture capitalists or angels, you are giving up a percentage of ownership in your business, and you may be doing so at an inopportune time. With this dilution of ownership most often comes a loss of control over some or all of the most important business decisions that must be made.

Sometimes, owners are enticed to sell equity by the fact that there is little (if any) out-of-pocket expense. Unlike debt financing, you don’t usually pay interest with equity financing. The equity investor gains its return via the ownership stake gained in your business. But the long-term “cost” of selling equity is always much higher than the short-term cost of debt, in terms of both actual cash cost as well as soft costs like the loss of control and stewardship of your company and the potential future value of the ownership shares that are sold.

Alternative Financing Solutions

But what if your business needs working capital and you don’t qualify for a bank loan or line of credit? Alternative financing solutions are often appropriate for injecting working capital into businesses in this situation. Three of the most common types of alternative financing used by such businesses are:

1. Full-Service Factoring – Businesses sell outstanding accounts receivable on an ongoing basis to a commercial finance (or factoring) company at a discount. The factoring company then manages the receivable until it is paid. Factoring is a well-established and accepted method of temporary alternative finance that is especially well-suited for rapidly growing companies and those with customer concentrations.

2. Accounts Receivable (A/R) Financing – A/R financing is an ideal solution for companies that are not yet bankable but have a stable financial condition and a more diverse customer base. Here, the business provides details on all accounts receivable and pledges those assets as collateral. The proceeds of those receivables are sent to a lockbox while the finance company calculates a borrowing base to determine the amount the company can borrow. When the borrower needs money, it makes an advance request and the finance company advances money using a percentage of the accounts receivable.

3. Asset-Based Lending (ABL) – This is a credit facility secured by all of a company’s assets, which may include A/R, equipment and inventory. Unlike with factoring, the business continues to manage and collect its own receivables and submits collateral reports on an ongoing basis to the finance company, which will review and periodically audit the reports.

In addition to providing working capital and enabling owners to maintain business control, alternative financing may provide other benefits as well:

It’s easy to determine the exact cost of financing and obtain an increase.
Professional collateral management can be included depending on the facility type and the lender.
Real-time, online interactive reporting is often available.
It may provide the business with access to more capital.
It’s flexible – financing ebbs and flows with the business’ needs.
It’s important to note that there are some circumstances in which equity is a viable and attractive financing solution. This is especially true in cases of business expansion and acquisition and new product launches – these are capital needs that are not generally well suited to debt financing. However, equity is not usually the appropriate financing solution to solve a working capital problem or help plug a cash-flow gap.

A Precious Commodity

Remember that business equity is a precious commodity that should only be considered under the right circumstances and at the right time. When equity financing is sought, ideally this should be done at a time when the company has good growth prospects and a significant cash need for this growth. Ideally, majority ownership (and thus, absolute control) should remain with the company founder(s).

Alternative financing solutions like factoring, A/R financing and ABL can provide the working capital boost many cash-strapped businesses that don’t qualify for bank financing need – without diluting ownership and possibly giving up business control at an inopportune time for the owner. If and when these companies become bankable later, it’s often an easy transition to a traditional bank line of credit. Your banker may be able to refer you to a commercial finance company that can offer the right type of alternative financing solution for your particular situation.

Taking the time to understand all the different financing options available to your business, and the pros and cons of each, is the best way to make sure you choose the best option for your business. The use of alternative financing can help your company grow without diluting your ownership. After all, it’s your business – shouldn’t you keep as much of it as possible?

Personal Branding – A Way to Avoid Google Slap When Running a Home Based Business

When running a home based business, various risks cannot be prevented if caution is not properly maintained. One of the many risks associated when operating a business at home is the so-called Google slap. A Google slap is considered as a punitive action when Google finds out that the page visited by potential customers and the ads that they clicked are not related, have poor quality and takes a long time to load. The Google slap punishes home based companies by increasing the amount to be paid per click of the ad and reducing the rank of their page. This results to them having to pay more for their ads to be featured through AdWords.Naturally, Google owns the right to identify which pages make a representation of the greatest quality product and good service that is why Google slap may never be avoided. However, at present, many home based business owners who have been slapped by Google raise their arguments basing on the fact that their pages still conform to the rules and recommendations provided by Google AdWords. This means that the punishment of paying for high fees per ad click may be prohibited if you can prove your stand that the content of your page really followed the rules and regulations provided by Google. Google slap may also be avoided through personal branding.SuccessIt is a fact that one way to gain success in Google is to learn how to brand yourself. Being successful in marketing or business field is not dependent on purchasing an expensive marketing method. It is by knowing how to brand your products and services and positively position them on the eyes and minds of the public. Make sure that your products and services are branded fixedly on the minds of people and that the entire page, blogs content and articles presented within your Google site are related to what you offer. This is one way of avoiding Google slap which will be a huge help in promoting your personally branded products and services.A home based business may be constantly associated with various risks but with proper planning and through inculcating focus and determination in the hearts and minds of business owners, these will be prevented. You no longer have to worry about being slapped by Google especially if you learned the ins and outs of it and if you have created your own personal brand that continues to prove high quality.